Talks on Non-Duality at Shanti Sadan Autumn 2019
- Thursday 31 October
Inner Progress through Love and Knowledge
- Thursday 7 November
Winning Over Your Mind
- Thursday 14 November
The Supreme Secret - Bhagavad Gita Chapter Nine
- Thursday 21 November
The Knowledge that Brings Happiness
- Thursday 28 November
The View from Nowhere
- Thursday 5 December
Awakening to the Supreme Truth
Registration is not required, but it will help us with organisation to know that you are thinking of coming. Thanks for letting us know!
All the talks are held at
Shanti Sadan
29 Chepstow Villas
London W11 3DR (map)
They all begin at 7pm on the Thursday evening, and last about 50 minutes. No previous knowledge of non-duality or meditation is assumed, although they include content that will be of interest to those who have studied non-duality (Advaita) before.
The meetings are free and everyone is welcome.
(Please note that the meetings would not be of interest to children.)
Non-duality (in Sanskrit, Advaita Vedanta) is a way of understanding the world and ourselves, closely connected with practical methods of gaining a deeper Self-knowledge and new sources of fulfilment.
Inner Progress through Love and Knowledge
Thursday 31 October

Nothing worthwhile is possible unless both our intellect and our emotional nature are committed to the venture.
Once heart and mind fuse in a single great purpose, our inner progress becomes rapid and assured.
This talk will be given by the Warden of Shanti Sadan, author of these books.
Winning Over Your Mind
Thursday 7 November

Central to the practical path is to bring out the highest potentials of our mind.
These naturally unfold when we recognise the power behind the mind and provide it with the best inner nourishment.
The mind is by nature fundamentally constructive, a means to wisdom and a source of illumination.
The Supreme Secret
Thursday 14 November

Chapter Nine of the Bhagavad Gita discloses a great secret - the way in which the supreme Being does, and does not, pervade the world. To understand this is to discover the source of help and guidance that can lead us to inner illumination.
The Knowledge that Brings Happiness
Thursday 21 November

There is a higher knowledge that transforms our inner experience, revealing that the happiness we seek is ever-achieved, being our true Self.
The View from Nowhere
Thursday 28 November

Philosophers have long struggled to understand what Reality would 'look like' if we could see it as it is, from no particular 'point of view'. It is a great question, but the answer eludes the intellect.
The non-dual teachings do provide a way of understanding, and the practical means of discovery.
Awakening to the Supreme Truth
Thursday 5 December

Guiding ideas to help us in our quest to discover ultimate Truth in our own being, and show how the peace we cultivate is an aid to uncovering the infinite peace of Self-knowledge.
A talk by the Warden of Shanti Sadan on the essential non-dual teachings.
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