
Cover of Panchadashi

Panchadashi is a classic text on the non-dual philosophy by Swami Vidyaranya, that has been studied by serious students for centuries. It is one of the best sources from which to gain a thorough understanding of the non-dual view. This philosophy is most helpful when studied alongside meditation and the other practices. Sometimes we find…

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Indian Mystic Verse

Cover of Indian Mystic Verse

Indian Mystic Verse is a collection of 300 poems, by 42 poets, written in Hindi, Urdu and Persian, in the region of the Indian sub-continent and what is now Iran, between the 12th and 20th centuries. They have been translated into English by Hari Prasad Shastri, who himself composed and published poetry in several languages.…

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In Search of Hafiz

Cover of In Search of Hafiz

There are close parallels between the non-dual teachings and some schools of Islamic mysticism, which is often referred to as Sufism. Some of the highest expressions of Sufism are found in Persian poetry. In this mystical-poetic tradition, the writings of Hafiz have a prominent place. In Search of Hafiz contains 109 lyric poems by Hafiz (or…

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Freedom through Self-Realisation

Cover of Freedom through Self-Realisation

Freedom through Self-Realisation contains chapters on: Expanding the boundaries of the feeling ‘I’ and ‘mine’. The wholeness of one’s true being and where this is to be found. Levels of the human personality and the choice of where to ‘take one’s stand’. Right view of suffering, and where happiness is to be found. The nature…

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Direct Experience of Reality

Cover of Direct Experience of Reality

The Direct Experience of Reality contains 100 verses from a classic text on non-duality, translated with a commentary by Hari Prasad Shastri. The text covers the essential points in the non-dual teachings. It begins with the qualities needed to pursue the path to illumination. It explains that our difficulties come from not knowing our true…

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Avadhut Gita

Cover of the Avadhut Gita

The Avadhut Gita consists of 176 verses. It states the non-dual teachings with extreme brevity and directness. The Avadhuta Gita is based on the understanding that when knowledge of the true Self (Atman) arises, all divisions, distinctions and not-knowing are dispelled; the nature of all is revealed as Self. Here are verses two to five (it…

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Spring Showers

Cover of Spring Showers

Spring Showers is a short collection of poems on inner illumination and higher love written by Hari Prasad Shastri. It was first published while he was in China, 1918-28. Here is one of them: Who can fathom the depth of the ocean of fate? And who can untie the knot of the future? What is…

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The Three Steps

Cover of Training the Mind through Yoga

This is a slightly edited version of a Chapter on three stages of learning and absorbing the non-dual teachings. They are: Shravana—the hearing [or reading] of the Truth. Manana—brooding on that Truth which has been heard. Nididhyasana—meditation or contemplation on the Truth, leading to absorption. The Truth has first to be received—that is shravana; then…

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Importance of Rhythm in Meditation

Cover of Training the Mind through Yoga

Before starting to meditate, there are three preliminary things to be established: a rhythm in timing a rhythm in posture a rhythm in the preparation to be carried out immediately before the actual meditation begins. The more conscious a pupil becomes of his inner processes, the more aware he will be of his disharmony, and…

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