I am the Light that Reveals Thoughts

Scroll down for recordings. 1. Inner Preparation Approach the meditation with calmness, and willingness to learn. More on preparation 2. Breathing Practice Breathe slowly and consciously, resting your attention on the ‘heart region’. With each breath, say inwardly: ‘I’, ‘I’.  Do this in relaxation freeing your mind from other thoughts. 3. Dismissing Thoughts Give free…

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I Rest in the Light and Freedom of my True Self

1. Inner Preparation Approach the meditation with calmness, and willingness to learn. More on preparation 2. Breathing Practice Sit in relaxation, in the meditation posture. Breathe slowly and deeply, drawing up the in-breath as if from the navel to the point between the eyebrows. With each breath, say ‘I am Peace’. 3. Visualisation Visualize a…

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