Practical Points on Inner Development

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Autumn Issue

The foundation of the teaching on inner development is that in every human being there are great qualities that are part of our nature—whether or not we follow their prompting within us. These include kindness, compassion, cooperation, generosity, fellow feeling, forgiveness. We also harbour within ourselves qualities of knowledge, understanding, judgement, skill, guidance, insight. And…

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Cultivating the Emotional Life

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Autumn Issue

Let us rise above the narrow sphere of likes and dislikes, of duality and appearance, into the boundless freedom of the spirit. Let us take a holiday from the world, and dwell in the infinite spirit, the light of which transcends time. Calm and reflective, let us receive the time-honoured teachings, which are more health-giving…

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Seeing the One in the Many: Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Autumn Issue

On the inner path it sometimes feels as if our minds and lives are divided in two: it seems there is the time for meditation and inquiry, and the rest of life when we have to deal with the world. How can we overcome this apparent divide and make meditation a way of gaining useful…

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The Essential Advaita

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Autumn Issue

What is Advaita (non-duality)? Let us approach this question by first reflecting, with the help of an illustration, on what we normally regard as real, and how the non-dual teachings can lead us to a deeper understanding of Reality. One of the features of modern life is our increased use of photography. The camera that…

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The Conquest of Fear

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Autumn Issue

When indeed this (soul) makes in the One even the smallest break, then there is fear. (Taittiriya Upanishad, 2:7:1) The triad of the seer, seeing and the seen, exists in the soul. Atman (the Self) is above this illusion of duality, which does not, in fact, exist. To cut out fear is the object of…

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Inner Progress

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Autumn Issue

To live a life of inner progress to enlightenment, the mind needs to be pacified, purified and transcended. What begins with pacifying the mind—producing calm on its surface—develops into a deeper process called purification. Normal mental activity keeps our mind occupied with finite affairs, sometimes trivial, sometimes significant. But those who have rendered the inner…

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Meditation and Shraddha

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Summer Issue

A recent online presentation by the Warden of Shanti Sadan In meditation we give our full attention to what is most real and precious in ourselves and in all. As we will discover, what is real and precious in us—in fact what we really are—is infinitely greater than what we ordinarily feel ourselves to be.…

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The Way and Its Goal

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Summer Issue

Extracts from Shri Shankara’s commentaries on the classical texts, with introductory observations. At the heart of Shri Shankara’s teaching is the claim that our ordinary knowledge is rooted in a fundamental misconception about our own true nature. We think we are an individual knowing subject, encased within an individual body, and able to know only…

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Tranquillity and Transcendence

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Summer Issue

Both tranquillity and transcendence indicate our need for freedom from suffering and limitation. Tranquillity effects a partial release from restrictions, whereas transcendence suggests the possibility of a more fundamental emancipation. When we are tranquil we can live, move and work in the world in harmony and ease of heart. Transcendence goes beyond these conditions, signifying…

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The Spiritual Maxims of Père Grou

Cover of Self-Knowledge Journal Summer Issue

Père Grou is one of the great spiritual directors of the Roman Catholic tradition. His life was not strikingly eventful, for he lived what he taught: the dedicated interior life pursued in obscurity and self-effacement. It is in his writings that his mind and heart reveal their depth and vitality, particularly the Spiritual Maxims. These…

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