Discover authentic meditation practices from the non-dual tradition
Practice in a supportive group setting
Be ready to take up regular daily meditation
Gain valuable life-skills: relaxation, concentration, clarity and empathy
Open new doors to inner Self-discovery
About the sessions
Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8pm
Each session begins with a few words about the essential principles on which meditation is based.
Then we do the practices together. Each of them is fully explained.
No equipment or special clothing is required.
The meetings are suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike.
Admission is free, all are welcome.

Discover Non-duality
Lasting inner fulfilment and freedom from fear can be found in this life, by discovering the nature of our own true Self. This is the essential message of the non-dual teachings (Advaita Vedanta).
There is nothing other-worldly about these teachings, they answer the natural impulse to find happiness and understanding of the world.
Our mind and senses cannot reveal to us the whole of reality, being themselves details in reality. Yet truth underlies everything we experience, and by learning to turn our attention from the contents of experience to the nature of the conscious Self within, we can approach the reality of our own Being, which is at one with the reality in all - which has been called the Absolute, God and by many other names.
The methods include meditation and related practices and living in a spirit of goodwill to all. They provide us with a way of finding an inner security and fulfilment which nothing can extinguish.
Free weekly guided meditation sessions
Spring 2018
Registration is not required, but it would help us with organisation to know if you are thinking of coming.