Non-duality (advaita vedanta) is a fascinating philosophy and a practical guide to living the best life.
Join us for an afternoon of questions, answers, and guided meditation
Saturday 13 May 2023 2.00pm-4.30pm
Scandic Copenhagen Hotel, Vester Søgade 6 Copenhagen V (map)
Admission free, All welcome
(Please note, the presentation will be in English)

According to the non-dual understanding, our own deeper Self, when fully known, is not different from the Self, the reality, in all beings.
True Self-knowledge brings us lasting peace, inner freedom, fearlessness and fulfilment.
It can be found through study and practice of the non-dual philosophy, self-discovery, deep mindfulness, meditation, and inner enquiry.

About this Event
If non-duality offers solutions to unhappiness and fear, how do I live it?
What does it mean for my work? My relationships? My desires?
How can Non-duality help me now?
How to practise meditation?
Afterwards, stay in touch and to continue the study and practice, if you wish.
The event is organised by Shanti Sadan School of Non-duality.
The main speaker will be the Warden, the author of five books on non-duality including the latest title, 'How Can Non-duality Help Me Now?'
Free, all welcome.
Registration is not obligatory, but it would help us with organisation to know if you are planning to come.
Thank you for letting us know!
Copenhagen 2023
Getting to the Venue
The venue is Scandic Copenhagen Hotel, Vester Søgade 6, Copenhagen V
This is a few minutes walk from the front entrance of Copenhagen Central Station.
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