An afternoon of talks on non-duality and guided meditation
Saturday 25 February 2023 2.00-4.30pm
Academy Plaza Hotel, Findlater Place, off O'Connell St Upper, Dublin 1 (map)
Admission Free, All Welcome
About Non-duality
Non-duality offers a path to inner freedom and fulfilment.
It shows how we can live and thrive within the world of variety and change, while progressing towards inner illumination and the discovery of what is infinite and eternal within ourselves and in all.
Non-duality is one of the most studied and revered of the world’s philosophical and ethical teachings.
This meeting is about the most important question: ‘How can non-duality help me now?’
About this Event
Learn about the non-dual understanding of ourselves and the world.
Hear how non-duality opens a new source of inner well-being and security.
Try non-dual meditation practices we can take up regularly.
Organised by Shanti Sadan, a long-established school of traditional non-duality.
The main speaker will be the Warden of Shanti Sadan, author of these books.
Admission free and all are welcome.
(But we request please not to bring children or pets - it would not be of interest to them!)
I'm Interested
Registration is not obligatory, but it would help us with organisation to know if you are planning to come.
Thank you for letting us know!
Dublin 2023
UK registered Charity no. 284076