
Like many practices, self-examination is most effective when done regularly.

We may choose to do this just before we retire at night. Then, we can briefly review our day, note points where we might have done better in our own eyes, and identify the quality that would help us to do so, which could be, for example, patience, tolerance, straightforwardness, independence of mind, or cheerfulness. Then we can reflect on that quality, and visualise ourselves expressing it.

Finally we remember that the real purpose of all this is to bring clarity and balance to the mind in order to be able to pursue the discovery of our deeper nature, the underlying reality in all.

Alternatively, we might decide to put aside a time once a week for a period of self-examination.

Whenever we do so, the practice is to be approached in a constructive, one might say ‘business-like’ way, frankly noting how one has done. A spirit of remorse or destructive criticism is not wanted, just honesty and a willingness to make necessary adjustments. There is no need to try to analyse the roots of our moods and behaviour, which are inevitably highly complex; it is much more helpful simply to note them and adjust by reflecting on their opposites.

It is of no use to judge anyone else.

Close the practice by focussing on the positive: think of the qualities one would like to manifest, and visualise the mind and body doing so.

Read more on self-examination in this book extract.

Discovering Non Duality

If you are doing some regular meditation and reflection on non duality, you are welcome to contact us about study groups and any questions on the teachings, or for further suggestions about your practice.