Meditation Practices 2018-02

These practices were done at the weekly guided meditation sessions in February and March 2018

Scroll down for recordings of a meeting with these practices.

1. Inner preparation

Turn the attention within, with the sense that the deeper reality is the source of both the inner and outer life. We pay reverence to that deeper self that is one in us all. [About one minute.]
More on preparation for meditation.

2. Breathing practice

Breathe slowly and deeply, drawing up the in-breath as if from the navel to the space between the eyebrows. With each breath, say silently the word 'peace'. [About four minutes]

Candle flame3. Visualization

Imagine the flame of a candle shining in the region of the heart-centre. The flame is still, bright, upward-pointing. Rest your attention on this image. [About five minutes]




4. Meditation on a text

Pure, infinite, ever-tranquil, is my Self.
Through inner peace this Self-knowledge is revealed.

Repeat the text silently a few times until the meaning is grasped, then focus the attention that. If the mind wanders off, firmly and gently bring it back to the text and the meaning. [About six minutes.]
More about meditating on a text.

5. Closing offering

Extend thoughts of unconditional goodwill to all. [One minute]


Listen to a Meditation Session with these Practices

Here are recordings of a meditation session including these practices, led by the Warden at Shanti Sadan.

This version has been abridged, and we could follow it for our own daily practice (20 mins).


This is the full-length recording, with an introduction and further commentary on the practices. You may find it helpful to listen to this version at least once (37 mins).


For more on how to meditate see this section on daily meditation practice.